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SARS Compliance

Jobcards Online is completely compliant with SARS regulations and all South African legislation relating to electronic invoices.  Some key components are highlighted below in human readable format, and we conform to all of them:

  • Invoice Numbers & Invoice Dates must follow upon one another.
  • The words TAX INVOICE must be shown for any VAT registered entity.
  • A breakdown of VAT items must be shown.
  • Invoices must be in an encrypted document format that prevents 3rd party alteration.
  • Clients must be able to pull invoices at any time.
  • Invoices must be kept for a period of 5 years - we keep them indefinitely.
  • Connection to the application must be encrypted with at least 128 bits - we use 256 bit Extended Validation SSL.

More than 600 businesses operate more efficiently with us.

Ons is beïndruk en ons kyk nooit weer terug nie

Dankie vir goeie diens Adriaan.

Ek moet sê, dat ek verskriklik skepties was toe JP die eerste keer aan ons die stelsel voorgestel het. Maar hy het ‘n paar keer aangehou en ek het na al die gekarring bes gegee en dit was voorwaar die heel beste besluit wat ek nog ooit kon maak.

Die stelsel het ons werk massief vergemaklik en die beheer (saam met die geskiedenis) wat ons nou het oor die produkte het ure en ure se gekrap tussen manuele werkkaarte en naslaan van herstelgeskiedenis so vergemaklik dat ek in my dag des lewens nie weer met daardie arkaïese stelsel opgeskeep wil sit nie.

Baie dankie vir die wysigings wat gedoen is oor die verloop van byna drie jaar.

Sarel Botha - All Power
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Bierman Industries
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Ubuntu 7 Projects
valued client Netputer Systems T/A NPS Computers
Netputer Systems T/A NPS Computers
valued client Tupperware (Jolanda Yssel)
Tupperware (Jolanda Yssel)
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GGK Hersteldienste / Boorgatdienste
valued client Assegai Automation
Assegai Automation
valued client TimeWorks Point of Sale (Pty) Ltd
TimeWorks Point of Sale (Pty) Ltd
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valued client Lowveld IT
Lowveld IT
valued client Grizzly Projects
Grizzly Projects
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Sparkle Pools
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Number Plates and Signs
valued client COFFEENIQUA (PTY) LTD